
Auto ordnance 1927 schematic
Auto ordnance 1927 schematic

auto ordnance 1927 schematic

You’re probably enough of a gun person to be aware that your friendly federal government takes a dim view of rifles with barrels less than 16 inches long. Barrel Length The T1-14 variant of the classic Thompson has a shorter barrel with a permanently attached Cutts compensator.

auto ordnance 1927 schematic auto ordnance 1927 schematic

All things considered (collector pricing, federal paperwork hassles and the cost of actually firing a 600-rpm submachine gun), a semi-auto-only version of this hundred-year-old design makes sense to those who want a landmark piece of history to heft, fire and show off at the range. It’s the closest most of us can come to the “real thing.” It looks like a Tommy gun, it feels like a Tommy gun, and it throws a big slug like a Tommy gun, even if it does only toss those slugs out one at a time per trigger pull. 45 ACP firepower in a subgun that’s not really a subgun in today’s market dominated by featherweight plastics and alloys? Simple. What’s the appeal of a heavy walnut-dressed chunk of solid-steel. RELATED STORY: Thompson Turns 100 – Auto-Ordnance’s 100th Anniversary Thompson 1927A-1 & 1911A1.The guts may have been de-auto’d, the barrels may have been extended, and the selector switch may have been reduced to two positions instead of three, but the unmistakably quintessential Tommy gun profile is still instantly recognizable. The Thompson remains a legendary and iconic weapon, retaining sufficient appeal for Auto-Ordnance to keep on trucking, year after year, with its line of semi-auto configurations that carry on the legend (at least in appearance) without mortgaging the house to acquire. Count me among that latter category by the way. We all know the Thompson’s history in the hands of good guys and bad, we all know the full-auto Thompson is long obsolete in its original roles as both trench and street sweeper, hideously expensive, not likely to ever be available to the common man or woman again in brand-new form, and relegated to the collector and the wistful wannabe collector. Few firearms in the history of gunpowder require less introduction than the famed Tommy gun, a major player on both the battlefields of WWII and the mean streets of gangland Chicago.

Auto ordnance 1927 schematic